Data in Sperms

1 sperm has approx. 37.5 MB (Mega byte) of DNA data stord in it.That means a normal ejaculation shows that a data transfer of approx. 1587 GB (Giga byte) in only 3 seconds.


Elephants can smell water up to  miles away. They are also one of the three mammals that undergo menopause.

Choclates can kill a dog

Chocolates can kill a dog because it contains  theobromine which affects their heat and nervous system.

Floating stone

Pumice is the only stone which floats in the water.

Immortal Jelly fish

There is the existence of the species of the jelly fish which is immortal. turritopsis nutricula(immortal jelly fish) can convert their cells from mature state back to immaturity state.immortal jelly fish measures up to maximum length of 4.5 mm or 0.18 inch.

Total gold of history

If the cube is created of the gold which is mined till now.then the volume of that cube is near by 20.4m x 20.4m x 20.4m. or 8489.664 cubic meter.

Jet plane's speed

if the jet plane's speed is 1,000 km (620 miles) per hour, then the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length.

Uranus's orbital axis

Uranus's orbital axis is tilted at 82 degrees.

Black hole at the center of Milky way

Most of the galaxies have massive black hole at the center.The center of our milky way galaxy is called "A-star",and it houses a black hole which has mass of 40,000 suns.All the mass trying to get into the blackhole called the accretion disk.this disk has mass of 4 million suns.Like other black holes "A-star" also tries to consume anything nearby it.

Ships of the desert

Camels are called "ships of the desert" beacuse the way they move, not because of their transport capablities.A Dromedary camel has one hump and the Bactrian camel has two humps.The humps are used to store fat.